Monday, December 04, 2006

Loki has new "Best Friends"

Loki spent Thanksgiving at Best Friends Animal kennel. It has been a LONG time since Loki's been to a kennel. We usually prefer to travel with her or leave her with the woman who walks her. Yes spoiled little Loki usually gets a nice home environment and a cozy human bed to sleep in at night.

Best Friends was new to us. We went for an inspection visit ahead of time. The folks were very nice and the place was clean. Mostly i liked that the staff were interested in the dogs that were staying there. Outside each kennel was a chart with the animal's name and any pertinent info. So I felt ok about leaving Loki there. I knew she would HATE IT, no warm comfy bed, no friendly faces 9at least as she defines them) and lots of loud barking. But no matter, she couldn't travel with us this time and she had snapped at another dog when visiting with our dog walker so that left us without a place to leave her.

It was very difficult leaving her behind. I have grown very fond of this odd furry bundle of neurosis. She refused to walk away with the keeper, put on her gravity boots and gave me the biggest, widest sad Puss in Boots in SHREK 2. I after I left and was very excited to pick her up again. She whimpered when she was released and continued a long whimper/scream/grumble/growly sound for about 45 mins after we left.

Anyway, she survived, the kennel staff survived, we survived. And now we know if we need a place to leave our little hellion we have a plan.

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