Perhaps I’m looking at this all wrong. 6 days away from the bike seems to only have made me better, stronger, faster than I was before. I went for a 30 minute ride yesterday that turned into almost an hour ride. I not only climbed the heretofore mentioned hills in my area with ease I cut 5 minutes off my time. Over all logged 8.5 miles with nothing more than “numb butt.”
There is an acronym I’ve read in Bicycling Magazine—T.I.T.S. It means Time In The Saddle. The only way to make improvements is to spend time riding. A perfect expression for me…sounds just filthy dirty and means something entirely different.
Of course just to keep me humble after my first long climb, having arrived at the top of hill only slightly winded I was passed by a little girl around age 8. Riding a 3 speed and wearing and enormous school bag on her back climbing the same hill, passing me with a dirty look as if to say “Move it LADY-- big school bag coming through!” and blew on past me.
So Ok I’m NOT ready for a Grand Tour but I’m feeling better about the Bike4Sight ride every day.
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hill intervals are your friend. If you find a hill that you like ( or at least don't mind doing too much..haha) do multiple passes up and down ie, you are lifting your body weight up the hill, therefore building muscle and increasing your lactic acid makes you stronger, you can endure longer climbs....also, when you are ready.. go makes a huge difference especially when climbing hills......
and....get into the gym and hit the weights... I know I'll possibly learn to enjoy it. I lif pretty regularly now ( never did it before ) and I am monstrously stronger compared ot when I was much younger....
Also, stronger muscles and tendons make for a more comfortable ride.
Oh and the numb butt, you are xperiencing, is perenium's not can do long term damage. If your saddle is bothering you, try lowering your handlebars ( I'll do that for you) to rotate your pelvis forward a bit, or raise them, which rotates your pelvis back, to alleviate any negavtive pressure.
ps.. sorry about my atrocious typing, my hands are gantuan and don;t fit nicely on the keys al of the time, and I refuse to use spell check, it hates me.
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